Wheel Service Equipment
Hunter Tire Changers
Improve your shop’s efficiency with Hunter’s state-of-the-art tire changers. You’ll save time and money with Hunter’s easy one-motion tire changing capability.
Hunter Wheel Balancers
Built for today’s diverse assemblies, Hunter wheel balancers help save time and money by allowing you to quickly diagnose and fix vibration and other balance-related problems.

Hunter Revolution
Hunter’s Revolution tire changers are fully automatic and packed with technology like a touch screen interface and a “go” pedal, make it easy to operate. Perfect for a wide range of assemblies, it uses fully automatic, powered press arms and is leverless, helping protect the tire, the rim, and the operator.

Hunter Road Force Elite
Lightning-fast results with pinpoint accuracy: the Road Force Elite by Hunter provides Road Force® measurements that both determine the causes of the issues and offer solutions. The result is a superior, intuitive balancer that outperforms traditional models.

Hunter Auto34
The Auto34 makes changing today’s performance tires and wheels a breeze, with intuitive push button controls and leverless operation for efficiency and safety.

Hunter Smart Weight
The revolutionary SmartWeight® technology by Hunter minimizes the use of weights while maximizing productivity. The Smart Weight balancer saves money on labor and equipment costs while delivering highly accurate results.

Hunter TC 39
Hunter’s TC 39 is a center-clamp tire changer that features a bead press arm and leverless mount head. It clamps to the directly to the hub, preventing rim damage and is operated with a variable speed motor providing versatility and control.

HunterSmart Weight Pro
Ultra-Premium features packed into a mid-range wheel balancer. Smart Weight Pro by Hunter provides laser-guided measurements that make technicians jobs easier and increase accuracy. 3D graphics and an intuitive single knob interface along with the SmartWeight® weight-usage-minimization system accentuate the tech-savvy design of this unit.